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2003 "Run around the Lake" Rescheduled

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:08 pm
by Datsa 66
Hey Northern California Roadsters Owners!

I have been not-so-patiently waiting for my 1967.5 2000 restoration to be completed, and I am now certain that it will be delivered to me on October 13th. That being the case, I have decided to re-invite the 311 Skid Marks and the BADROC, Modesto Roadsters and FredROC people to come join me on the "Run around the Lake" to be held starting in Clearlake, Ca. and finishing with a picnic at a park in Lakeport, Ca. The run will take us from Clearlake, South and the West and then around the lake, traveling across the Northern Shore of the Lake (really pretty there, then back South through Clearlake again, and then back to Lakeport where there is a park right on the lake where we will picnic and enjoy the cars. Please come and help me celebrate the completion of SRL311-00489!

I have family in that part of the State and will be visiting from October 17th-20th, so I would like to set the date for Saturday, October 18th. The car will be less than a week out of restoration and should look fantastic. I will be the first to admit that I want to show it off, but also I want to get out on the road with some other roadsters and enjoy the day.

After the run, I will take the car home and then on to the Turfside show on October 25th. Quite the busy trip!

Hope to se everyone there and I will be posting more info as the date gets closer.