69 2000 redo: which coil?

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69 2000 redo: which coil?

Post by Dster »

Started easily until I fiddled under the hood…now I’m going to do an ignition kit. The coil is an old wet one, 3+ ohms with no ballast resister. I want to replace it with a dry one, but not sure whether to use a
3 ohm with no resister or a 1.5 ohm with a 1.6 ohm resister. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Re: 69 2000 redo: which coil?

Post by Bwk2000 »

If you’re ditching the points, stick with a 3 Ohm coil and no ballast resistor (less things to go wrong). Haven’t personally used a dry one before on the Datsun, but I know Viper, Bosch, Lucas and a few others make them.

Curious though, why do you want a dry coil?
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Re: 69 2000 redo: which coil?

Post by Dster »

I watched a utube where the guy said they are unreliable and should be installed vertically. My bracketing is horizontal. I’m keeping the points system.