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Late side moulding clip repair

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:02 am
by pebbles
After Linda proposed pin repair to the "D", I thought, why not the stainless trim clips.
Grabbed a few 8/32 pan head screws from the junk drawer and went after it.
memorialday 022.jpg

Ground the nub flush and drilled the center.
memorialday 024.jpg
Cut the screw to length, double nut in the "jig"
memorialday 030.jpg
weld it
memorialday 027.jpg
grind it almost flush, leave a slight dome.
memorialday 028.jpg
sand blast, paint
memorialday 034.jpg

New nuts and washers,
memorialday 035.jpg

Spent about two hours making the first one, another hour making 3.
dont throw out those broken clips!
Thanks Linda!

Re: Late side moulding clip repair

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:01 pm
by Datsun.David
Lookin' Good Dave!

Re: Late side moulding clip repair

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:17 pm
by Linda
Beyond my skill set, I don't weld....yet!
Good job!


Re: Late side moulding clip repair

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:56 am
by ladydriver
I ordered new clips and they where a bit to big for my smaller strips.
Anyway i just scraped of some metal with a metalfile.
Put all clips in place, when all side strips where on the car, the one on the door was a bit higher than the others.

I removed the doorstrip, turned all the clips a 1/4 and filed off again, now this way: the bolt is out of the middle and higher to the top. I did all 5. put them back in place and the strip is now on the correct hight with the others.