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Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:01 am
by jr02518
The car, is back on the ground. Resting on four wheels, for now. After all that front end work it has way too much toe out to spend any time on the road. But first, the car.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:18 pm
by Gregs672000
Yeah! Looking good, and I'm sure will be far better driving soon too!

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:12 pm
by jr02518
As an update, the over whelming toe out has been dialed back to an eye balled amount that will get the car to a shop that can review and provide a set up. The car will need some miles, I will need some miles in the car.

The number of items on the check list is coming down, but as they get accomplish others are taking their place. Bound to happen, scope creep is real and I am trying not to buy into ever tangent I run into.

We did find the voltage regulator was not doing its job, VR-121 is on its way and as many grounds as are found are being cleaned. Yes, a little closer.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:46 pm
by jr02518
Today, something fixed. Then, another thing found. Fixed, the installation of VR-121 has tamed the charging system. What surfaced, the relay that works the system for the turn signals has decided that it will only work in one direction. Yes, we will confirm that all of the bulbs are working and we have good grounds. It continues. One, one thousand. Two, one thousand...

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:17 pm
by jr02518
The turn signals, both directions, are now working. The plastic shroud behind the steering wheel was not working well with hub. Removing the two part plastic contraption, the right turn signal started to work. Why and how, no idea.

Then the last three items on the transmission list have been completed. First, the slop in the shifter has been shimmed. The plastic washer that everyone might be using, did not work for me. My fix is more of a shim. The next little change was the addition of a bolt to replace the pin at the shifter. When you are also replacing the rubber shifter boot, that hasn't not lasted that long, you get a great view of the pin that allows all that slop you feel when you are going 2-3 with the gear box. In my case a 4 speed.

But the thing that has to do with the intended purpose of the car, the competition purpose of the car, will require a shift to Plan B on the drivers seat. Given the range off body's that will be driving the car, the drivers seat that I spent time, effort and some money will not work. The details are still coming together. Because nothing that I was going to use will be waisted. Put in a big bag and stored for an other day, yes.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:03 pm
by jr02518
An observation on this project is in order, when building a car that will have numbers and stickers on the car you might do things that are stretching the concept of "race car". Question, adding a side mounted aluminum seat is not over kill, right? No, the red seat mounts are not my first choice. I can always paint them in the future.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:04 pm
by Gregs672000

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 7:24 pm
by jr02518
Today we confirmed that all the drivers fit in the seat and can get them selfs out of the car. The safety gear is getting accumulated in the garage, getting ready to be installed. We will have to make an addition to the rollbar to work with the harness, more on that later.

It turns out the Racemark wheel and hub will work. The seat is sitting taller than the rollbar. The soft top will go over the combination. The car will compete with the top down. Yes, I am ready for all the comments.

Oh, getting into the car was never going to be an issue. Gravity is your friend.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:44 pm
by jr02518
Today a milestone has been accomplished, the car has current registration and is good to go for a drive. Next, we have the required hardware to add the safety harness too the car. The never ending list of little things continues to swell. I know, it will never end.

Given that we will be towing to car to get the additional bar added to the existing roll bar, the trailer is going to get some attention. What, to be determined? Yes, the BMW is gratuitous but this is the trailer that will be used. The car is a 1988 325is. A retired NASA GT2 race car that has been refreshed but will not be used again in wheel to wheel competition. And to answer another unasked question, the trailer will never notice the Roadster loaded on the deck.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:01 am
by jr02518
The installation of the new seat belts is complete. The forged eye bolts used in this application threaded in with no issues. The snap hooks used on the harness will allow the belts to be removed, without four letter words, to vacuum the interior. That yes, has not been done yet.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:09 pm
by jr02518
Added to the list of almost done, the center consul with the outer layer of shifter boots. First picture
is the boot made from the same leather as the seats, using the same stitching as the seats . Yes, the leather is much stiffer than the original vinyl.

The next picture is the original combination, is the two, or was that three layers of ripped and mangled "boots".

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:23 pm
by jr02518
Proof of concept is always part of the equation, will the top fit over the seat? Yes.

When running at events the top will be down. This is the top that came on the car when purchased and yes it is in great shape. I am keeping the interior as found. I have the luxury of keeping it in "driver" condition and given what we have needed to do to get to this point I need some miles in the car.

Maybe lots of them.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:39 am
by Gregs672000
Coming along, step by step! It will be fun to hear of your driving impressions when you get some seat time.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:39 pm
by jr02518
Much like a soft opening for a restaurant, the car is making some head way and the list of things to address is growing. One touch stone, one of the young co-drivers is learning to drive a stick with the Datsun.

Re: Is anyone auto crossing their Roadster?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:42 pm
by jr02518
The car has also made it's public showing, yes we will work on the pictures.