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Re: Autopower Roll bar issues and some progress pics

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:21 pm
by FergO2k
Topic may have strayed a bit, but I'll send you the spreadsheet of the weigh in of the stock vs 302/ford 8" rear end roadster, and you might be surprised at the weight difference in the rear.

Re: Autopower Roll bar issues and some progress pics

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:50 pm
by TurboRagtop
Could you please add me to that distribution?
I'm contemplating the 8" rear axle assy in my 66.

Thank you kindly.


Re: Autopower Roll bar issues and some progress pics

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:23 pm
by SABLT194
8" Ford should have tons of strength for the power/weight of this car. A 9" would be waaaaayyyy overkill IMHO. I run a 9" in my 500HP 6 speed Pontiac and it weighs 3660 with me in it. The 9" had survived many 5500 rpm launches at the track. It's very unlikely you'll get enough tire under a roadster to hurt an 8"

Re: Autopower Roll bar issues and some progress pics

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:27 pm
by Young-gunroadster
Hi Roadster owners- I'm hoping to re-ignite this thread as I want to put a rollbar and 5 point harness belts in my 66; I still want to be able to fit my hardtop and soft top. I'm reading through this thread but not quite seeing whether the autopower bar will work or not? Can you please confirm?

Also a quick google search seems to indicate Dan up at Rallye website has Hofbrecht roll bars available, anyone familiar with those bars vs autopower?

Both will need a crossbar welded in for the harnesses to mount; i'm attaching a picture i found online of a blue short windshield roadster whose rollbars seem perfect height and angle matches the windshield.